Balance & Vestibular

Services & Specialties

Physical therapy can help individuals who experience balance issues or dizziness make significant improvements in their quality of life.  Good balance requires the coordination of several parts of the body: the nervous system, inner ear (vestibular), eyes, muscles, and joints. Your physical therapist is an expert in balance and will identify the underlying cause of your balance issue and begin treatment on your first visit.

Balance Retraining:  With your physical therapist closely at your side we perform functional balance exercises and may use various balance devices to help you improve loss of balance, unsteadiness, and walking confidence.  You can improve your walking on un-level surfaces such as inclines, gravel, and negotiating steps.

Vestibular Rehabilitation:  Head, body, and coordinated eye exercises that reduce dizziness, improve ability to stabilize vision, and improve your balance.  Exercises are custom designed, progressed and guided by your physical therapist based on the underlying cause of your dizziness.

Balance retraining and vestibular rehab treatments are typically twice a week and may last approximately 6-8 weeks.

Repositioning Maneuvers:  Specifically for patients with Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Canalith repositioning maneuvers are gentle head and body positions applied by your physical therapist to treat crystals within the inner ear that cause problems related to vertigo (room spinning).  Patients typically report improved vertigo from 1-2 sessions.

Stopping Falls Before They Happen:  Fall prevention strategies such as home modifications, adaptive equipment and assistive device recommendations are made to improve your safety with mobility so you can increase your participation in everyday activities right away with increased confidence.

Your Personalized Mobile Physical Therapist is Certified in Vestibular Rehabilitation by The American Institute of Balance and ready to help you achieve better balance through research-based expertise and encouragement.

Our Process

You can receive outpatient physical therapy personalized to your specific needs in the comfort of your home.

Discovery Form

Tell us about your therapy needs. We will contact you to explain the process, our services, and schedule your first visit.

Detailed Assessment

We will determine the cause of your symptoms, discuss the best solutions, and start setting attainable goals.


Treatment starts on your first session! You will receive handouts and instructions along the way to keep you on track.


You can start to feel a difference on your very first session. On average it can take 6-8 weeks to reach your goals.

a woman taping a patient
Get Started

Fill out the discovery form.
We will contact you.